Madonna with Child

each medallion silver framed is double sided


"BOZIA" (pronounce: BOZHIA). An old Polish folk name for a miniature painting on glass which presents the Virgin Mary. Such glass miniatures were produced by painters in Czestochowa district and date back to the eighteenth century. They were usually bought by pilgrims who came to the Shrine of the Holy Mother of Czestochowa and by jewellers, who would frame them in silver and sell them to migrant trades. Some of these framed miniatures were double-sided; one side traditionally displayed the icon of Mary, while the other showed the Holy Family, Saint Ann, Saint Barbara, or other saints. It was customary in Poland to give such medallions, or "Bozias", with an image of patron saint for christenings, name days, or engagements. This unique, difficult and time-consuming art was forwarded from generation to generation until it was finally replaced by industrial production of metallic medallions. With the passing away of the last painters on the beginning of the century the artistic technique of miniature icons was forgotten.

This miniscule painting on glass signed with the initials (AK) represents an attempt at reviving this old tradition.

Twenty five years ago, impressed by a nineteenth century "Bozia", I took up the challenge of bringing back this unique art.

There medallions are result of laborious experiments at joining various complicated painting techniques associated with old Polish traditions.

It is entirely handmade, and carries the number.

St.Agatha CrucyfictionSt.Archangel Gabriel Eye of Good

Our Lady from CzestochowaCrucyfiction Natural size > 1'' in diameter - frame : sterling silver - Ag 925

Andrzej Konopacki - Zakopane - Poland

© Copyright by Andrzej Konopacki
